I was known as a professional student for a while, with years as a full time and part-time graduate student!  I enjoyed a variety of fields, from chemistry to psychology and from literature to theology.

Well, I love the classroom environment, the smell of books, the debates ..
This site will reflect on the different professional and personal arenas with which I am associated or have been associated.

It presents a variety of unrelated current and past disciplines;
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My Son
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Professionally, I worked as a teacher & instructor,
as a chemist,
as a business manager,
as a counselor with teen-challenge and Christian family service,
as a footballer "soccer referee instructor & National referee development programme director".
I would like to introduce myself, my background and my interests and activities and to share with you via this site, my thoughts and experience.
I'll present via this channel, a lot about inner characteristics of mine, some of which go back to the silly early years in college when I worked on my poetry book.  I still have these abandoned thoughts captured in a few old notebooks and I'll even dare to release a few of those imprisoned hallucinated emotions to share with you!
I'll also share some of my scientific research papers with you.

I'll take you on a football tour to chat about football passion and views. Oh, and I mean real football, Soccer!

I'll, as expected, present pictures, plenty of them.
I'll present myself as a professional who qualified in more than one arena, and as an individual .. the personal side .. as a dad, a single parent .. just me and my son, Pele'.
Pele' and I reside in a small city in British Columbia. I have sole custody of Pele' and he is the centre and the joy of my life. What a
change, eh!

I used to have a bumper sticker in the early 90s in Ontario which I worded .. it read: "happiness is: Wine, Women & Soccer".  Well, may be not necessarily in this order and certaily my career, football and everything else in fact comes second to Pele'  the only true love in my life at this stage.. well, other than football!
Oh, by the way, those of you who know me, I am sure they are not surprised! I can't write short & sweet! .. It just isn't one of my qualities as you may have noticed by now!
Well, I have designed the site to consist of separate pages, each reflects a different angle. This allows some viewers to directly zoom in on the corner they wish to examine, may it be a potential client who is interested in my background in chemical services (in which case I would give him the chemist page address thus allowing direct navigation to it), or a football association interested in my services as an instructor, assessor or related administration, or a pen-pal who would like to know about the individual as a person.
Hence, at the risk of appearing narcissist, I had to re-enter several photos in several pages with the assumption  that some will only scan selected page(s). I felt that any single page alone, in order for it to be solely complete, it should have the photos needed to draw the picture of that page. I assure you, egotism, egoism nor narcissism are factors; not really!!
Speaking of reflecting a certain angle of an image, some minor touches such as starting the home page with two photos, with and without a moustache, were deliberate! What's the big deal? Well, it was the first time the moustache was assassinated (or shall I say has taken a  leave of absence) in over 800 healthy years according to my family tree. The moustache is gone now as you see to the left and although I don't miss it, my 6 years old son who has always associated his dad with the moustache - to him, dad is the one shown below and he seems to miss it and is pressuring me to resurrect it; I decided to let it go with the past!!
Seriously, this is my first attempt at creating a web site, and may be I got carried away a bit with certain pages or with photos.. you be the judge..

It's May 2001 now and I am sure I'll refine and polish the site several times. I have in fact just captured a couple of typos!  I have decided however to maintain the format and material of this site as entered, reflecting the thoughts and status of the creation date of the page; i.e. pages will not be revisted by the writer.  Updating and modification or addition will be done via creation of additional pages.
As I stated, pictures were placed on each page as if it is the only page. However, having said that, a mere photo album - and I have seen several sites structured this way - would not solely represent the inner person or reflect an expressive image.
Thank you for viewing my site.

Drop me a line with your site address.

Warm regards;

Paul Gouda
  namely my activities and background as a restaurateur businessman,
  an author,
  teacher & instructor,
  as a footballer,
  a Great Danes breeder,
  and a single dad ..
  Oh .. and as a .. man!
Owner-manager of Friends Dining Lounge
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Personal -I
Welcome to
Head chemist of Optimum Green Environmental
The Gouda dogs;
Anubis  &
Pictorial tour
a few selected
Created  2001
edited 2004

I live in Nanaimo, BC with my only begotten son Pele.  "Just the two of us" - as the song goes. I have been a single parent with full custody of Pele since 1999; the challenge and the joy of my life.
I work hard & long hours running a dining lounge and part time operating a chemical consultation firm. Between the business and the single parent's duty ... between getting up early to get my son to school, get ready for the restaurant, worry about my son's schooling and his personal needs; then my Great Danes, well, not much left for me at this stage; and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Well. between the past's richness, today's activities and tomorrow's plan .. this site will expose it all.
Latest update:

My new book

Intoxicated Emotions

Tour it at:


Click here for a tour.

My new book is out.
www.paulgouda.com  (you're already here)   